Wisdom tooth impaction is one of the very common problems which start from the teenage and it’s the third molar tooth whose impacted position leads to various consequences and the people are left with an option of getting the wisdom tooth extracted surgically. But again, the severity of the wisdom tooth impaction depends on the […]
Wisdom Teeth Symptoms: Signs and Remedies for Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Wisdom teeth are the uproar of the dental department! You surely must have heard about how once a wisdom tooth starts to rise in the individual’s mouth; there are several signs of soreness and inflictions observed. Hence in order to prevent this affliction from affecting other parts of the mouth, it becomes necessary to understand […]
Wisdom tooth and reason for its extraction
Wisdom tooth is the third molar that erupts last in the oral cavity, usually after the other 28 teeth have already erupted. And these wisdom teeth come at the age of around 17-21 years and sometimes till 25 years of age. One of the most frequently removed/extracted teeth is the 3rd molar, as they erupt […]